neděle 19. října 2014

Pásmo UHF jako bitevní pole

Pásmo UHF jako bitevní pole - tak označuje CEPT současný stav návrhů a postupně stále více politizovanou diskuzi k využití kmitočtového pásma 700 MHz. CEPT se této otázce po technické stránce přirozeně věnuje delší dobu, aktuálně pak například v právě dokončovaném návrhu Reportu č.224 (Připravovaném Výborem pro elektronické komunikace ECC), kterému předcházela široká  a dlouhá diskuze. 

CEPT se ve svých aktuálních postech prezentuje neurčitě: „Zdá se, že příliš brzy předpovídat, co je optimální rovnováha mezi TV příjmem a mobilními službami…

CEPT v průběhu října dokončuje studii o budoucnosti pásma UHF. Po dlouhých diskuzích výbor  CEPTu -  ECC TG6- dokončil návrh Reportu ECC 224, který se týká "Dlouhodobé vize využití pásma UHF pro vysílání“.

Koncept zprávy ECC 224 je výsledkem diskuzí a veřejné konzultace ke studii o využití pásma UHF, s důrazem na frekvenční úsek 470-694 MHz. Je to jeden z klíčových podkladů pro evropské přípravy na světovou konferenci WRC-15. Jedním z impulsu byl i legendární názor ex-komisaře pana Pascala Lamy a jeho materiál pro skupiny zabývající se v rámci Evropské komise politikou rádiového spektra (RSPG). Více informací o konzultaci k UHF zde.

Zajímavé pro pochopení celé geneze jsou například aktivity a prezentace z června a července letošního roku - Jaime Afonso (CEPT TG6 Chairman) červen 2014 prezentované na akci 9th Annual Spectrum Management European conference anebo zpráva od Alexandera Kühna (CPG15Chairman) na akci WRC-15 and beyond - Strategic views

Návrh ECC zdůrazňuje významnou úlohu platformy DVB-T, která poskytuje bezplatné terestrické televizní služby a má mj. i zásadní význam pro veřejnoprávní vysílání. Zdůrazňuje se, že se celá věc týká klíčové regulační a politické otázky i nových technologií a především diváků…. Report ale ani v této době nedává jednoznačné doporučení, když uvádí celou řadu možných budoucích scénářů. Připouští ale, že je potřeba zajistiti určitou flexibilitu ve využití této části kmitočtů tak, aby to do budoucna „ nebránilo technologickému a inovačnímu pokroku…“.                        

ECC  CEPT předpokládá 4 hlavní scénáře dalšího vývoje využití „televizního“ kmitočtového pásma. Kromě základních jde o kombinaci variant, ale vše zatím bez jednoznačného doporučení a preferencí.

Návrh prošel v době od června do 9. Září veřejnou konzultací. Skupina  TG6 se sešla na začátku října, aby přezkoumala odpovědí obdržené v průběhu veřejné konzultace a dokončila svou práci do finální podoby. Zpráva nyní čeká na své závěrečné schválení na zasedání Výboru v listopadu 2014.

O plánování frekvenčního plánování a technických podmínek pro digitální vysílání v DVB-T2  i o interoperabilitě s jinými druhy vysílání (včetně digitálního rozhlasu) je možné se dozvědět více například v aktuální studii EBU zde.

Aktuální návrh ECC(14)053 Annex  12_Draft ECC Report 224 je k dispozici například zde

P.S. Výbor pro elektronické komunikace (ECC) sdružuje 48 zemí. V rámci své činnosti se výbor věnuje společným „politikám“ a právním předpisům v oblasti elektronických komunikací a souvisejících aplikací. Jeho hlavním cílem je harmonizovat účinné využívání rádiového spektra v celé Evropě. Je aktivní na mezinárodní úrovni, kde se dojednávají a připravují společné evropské návrhy v rámci ITU i na dalších mezinárodních fórech (


Executive summary

Traditionally, broadcasting and broadband communication services have their own regulations, market structure and typical dedicated network infrastructure (e.g. high power / high tower versus dense networks) in order to provide their respective set of services. The future development of services and terminals is blurring the border between the two “worlds” for the end user and may require innovative approaches to deliver content to the end users in the most efficient way from technical, economical and social perspective. 

The studies contained in this Report identify and analyse possible scenarios for the development of the band 470 – 694 MHz in the long term starting from the existing situation and recognizing ongoing studies in the 700 MHz band in Europe, and short to medium term developments (e.g. AI 1.2 of WRC-15 and the response to the European Commission Mandate on the 700 MHz band).  The current situation is dealt with in the Report by describing the current role of the terrestrial broadcast platform including issues such supporting social inclusion and providing information in times of emergencies. In addition, the regulatory framework for the provision of audiovisual media services, the duration of currently assigned TV Rights of Use and current consumption of audiovisual content is also explored in the Report.
The Report addresses the trends in the evolution of services (broadcast, mobile and converged services to consumers) as well as the networks and technologies with the potential to deliver these services in the band. It includes consideration of the way in which audio visual content consumption habits may be changing. The most important developments in relation to the evolution of delivery of broadcast services in fixed and mobile environments are also identified. The studies contained in the Report are based on assumptions made on expected developments for the various current platforms and technologies under consideration and on the demand and supply of the envisaged services. Thus, it was necessary to develop relevant indicators in order to monitor the assumptions made on expected developments used for the construction of the scenarios in the future. These indicators are described in Chapter 5 and suggested as suitable for monitoring developments in the services expected to use the UHF band. Further consideration is required on the measurement and the monitoring of these indicators.
This Report discusses the general classes of scenarios considered by CEPT in defining the long term vision for the band 470-694 MHz. Annex 3 provides a detailed description and the assessment of all the scenarios studied by CEPT. CEPT considers that the following four classes of scenarios could cover the developments in the band 470-694 MHz in the long term:

§  Class A: Primary usage of the band by existing and future DVB terrestrial networks

This class of scenarios assumes a natural evolution of the DTT platform based on HPHT and/or LPLT networks taking into account the ongoing technological and service developments, and assuming a stable regulatory environment and access to the spectrum.

§  Class B: Hybrid usage of the band by DVB and/or downlink LTE terrestrial networks

This class of scenarios assumes that broadcast and mobile broadband services in the UHF band would in the future be delivered via LTE SDL/eMBMS, with or without DTT platform, based on HPHT and/or LPLT networks. The scenarios of this class generally provide additional unicast downlink capacity.

§  Class C: Hybrid usage of the band by DVB and/or LTE (including uplink) terrestrial networks

This class of scenarios assumes that broadcast and mobile broadband services in the UHF band would in the future be delivered via LTE (including uplink), with or without DTT platform, based on HPHT and/or LPLT networks. This class corresponds to scenarios where IMT-like unicast uplink and downlink are introduced in the band.

§  Class D: Usage of the band by future communication technologies

Though most scenarios described herein are derived and based on today’s DTTB and Mobile technologies it is envisaged, that new, more flexible and possibly convergent technologies, will be developed and implemented in future for the transmission/distribution of audiovisual content in the UHF band. 

The cross-border coordination and coexistence is one element of the assessment and is addressed in chapter 6 of the Report based on the above mentioned classes.
The main conclusions of the studies are stated below.
Content, which could be traditionally seen as typical broadcast content (i.e. audiovisual content like videos, music) is also available in the internet and distributed via cable, optical fibre or wireless broadband access. On the other hand, broadcast services are more and more heading for using reverse channels or additional parallel channels to allow the user more flexibility and access to additional information. A cooperation between radiocommunication services is expected on a long term.
Traffic expectations for broadcast service and broadband access, including wireless, are mainly based on the increasing delivery of audiovisual content in improved quality to an increasing number of users. This will result in a higher traffic asymmetry.

Due to its propagation characteristics, the band 470-694 MHz can be efficiently used for the distribution of audiovisual services. These services may be linear or non-linear. The number of receiving users served by a content provider can vary from one to up to several million users. This is depending on the different types of content, user density, the specific social and economic situation, and technology. Therefore, the long term usage of the band 470-694 MHz is mainly, foreseen for downstream audiovisual content distribution.

The scenarios listed in Annex 3 and classified in Section 6 describe possible long term future deployments in the band 470-694 MHz. Each of these scenarios has a certain potential to occur. With the current state-of-the-art of the radiocommunication technologies there are incompatibilities between some scenarios. However, the situation as of today may change in the long term.
The variety of scenarios considered in this report should be understood as an indication for different needs/requirements in different countries regarding the future use of the band 470-694 MHz.
In order to facilitate different scenarios considered by the CEPT for the usage of the band 470-694 MHz, it could be necessary to introduce more flexibility in the regulatory environment governing the use of this band. It should among others take account of possible advances in radiocommunication technologies far beyond the current situation as well as of different needs and requirements in different countries. To avoid interference issues between administrations and inefficient usage of spectrum, the compatibility between scenarios has to be taken into account.
There could be different measures to provide for the regulatory flexibility in the band 470-694 MHz, if so required. It should be pointed out that any modification of the Radio Regulations to implement flexibility has to be discussed in the framework of ITU, taking into account the inherent flexibility of the Radio Regulations and the GE06 Agreement.

Overall, the following non-binding elements may assist administrations when deciding on a particular scenario for the usage of the band 470-694 MHz:
§  the current national interest objectives;
§  the implications of a given scenario on the audiovisual industry, content creation and user expectations;
§  monitoring of the market and technological developments by means of the key indicators as defined in Chapter 5;
§  the cost/benefit analysis with a focus on the impact on consumers;
§  assessment criteria such as but not limited to those that were used in the assessment of the scenarios listed in Annex 3;
§  a realistic time frame for the transition towards a new scenario, taking into account duration of the existing rights of use and the spectrum needs during the transition period as well as the need for continuation of the service (in the context of this report);
§  the necessity for cross-border coordination;
§  the national legal and regulatory framework.

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